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6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Jamun (Black Plum) | Indian Blackberry Benefits | Healthy Hamesha X

Hi everyone, my name is Healthy Hamesha X,  Dr. Saleem and today I will be discussing the health benefits of black plum. Also known as Indian Blackberry or in Hindi we call it Jamun. This article will not only talk about the health benefits of black plum but also discuss its Taaseer, and the recommended daily allowance, and by the end of the blog will also talk about the probable side effects that you can get from this otherwise amazing fruit. 
Amazing Health Benefits Of Jamun

Benefits of Black Jamun (Java Plum)

So without any further ado let's dive in and start this article. Friends, the Black Plum is a dark purple fruit that is native to the Indian subcontinent. Jamun is popular not just because of its unique taste but also because of the various health benefits that we get out of it. 

From a scientific standpoint, Jamun is an excellent source of vitamins, especially 
  • Vitamin C 
  • Vitamin A. 
Apart from vitamins, it is also rich in minerals like potassium If we talk about the Ayurvedic perspective of the Black Plum, then we come to know that it is known for its Sheetal or cooling properties, which means that it is very very beneficial during the summer season to reduce body heat. 


Friends, Jamun or Black Plum is known for its anti-diabetic properties. Scientifically, the anti-diabetic properties of Black Plum are attributed to two bioactive chemicals known as jambon and jambon. 

Both of these compounds help to slow down the rate at which sugar is released into the blood after a meal. At the same time, these two compounds also stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin. 

Collectively, both of these factors help to reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients without any side effects. If we talk about the Ayurvedic perspective on how the Black Plum helps in reducing diabetes and blood sugar, then it is believed that the Black Plum helps to balance the vat dos and pit dos, which potentially reduces the chances of developing metabolic disorders like diabetes. 

Digestive System

Black Plum is also good for our digestive system. It has astringent properties, very high fiber content, and various digestive enzymes, which help in the digestion of our food. From an Ayurvedic perspective, the astringent taste of Black Plum helps in balancing cuff dos and pit dos, which leads to improved digestion and reduced acidity. 
Digestive System

Moreover, Black Plum is also an excellent home remedy for constipation. So, if you have gas, acidity, or constipation problems, then Black Plum can be very beneficial if you consume it in moderation.


Apart from the digestive benefits, Black Plum is also good for your skin. 

As you know it is rich in vitamin C, which stimulates collagen production, leading to smoother, healthier, and shinier-looking skin. Black Plum is also very beneficial in certain conditions of the 
skin like : acne, blemishes, melasma, dry skin, and premature aging. 

How Much To Eat

Now let's talk about how much Black Plum you should eat in a day. Friends like any other fruit, moderation is the key to extracting the maximum benefits from Black Plum. If you eat too much of Black Plum, then it can also lead to certain problems it can cause imbalanced vat dos due to its astringent and cooling properties. 
How Much To Eat

Imbalanced vat dos can cause symptoms like bloating, gas, and joint pains. So as a general rule, you should never consume more than 250g of Black Plum in a day if you want to be on the safer side. So now that you know how much Black Plum you can eat in a day,


let's talk about the precautions and about the people who should avoid consuming Black Plum. Friends if you are suffering from a cold or you have flu or sinusitis or if your VAT is aggravated or in cases where you have recently undergone any surgical process, then you should not consume Black Plum. 

Another important point to note here is that one should never drink water or milk before or just after eating Black Plum. Doing this can cause digestive disorders like 
  • stomach pain, 
  • nausea,  
  • vomiting. 


Lastly, let's learn about the Taseer of Black Plum. Friends Taaseer is basically a term in Urdu that denotes the effect of a particular food item. As far as Black Plum is concerned, its Taaseer is Sheetal or you can say it has a cooling effect. 

Lastly, let's learn about the Taseer of Black Plum. Friends Taaseer is basically a term in Urdu that denotes the effect of a particular food item. As far as Black Plum is concerned, its Taaseer is Sheetal or you can say it has a cooling effect. 

And because of its Sheetal Taaseer, Black Plum balances the pit dos in our body which is associated with heat. So in the hot summer season, you can say Black Plum can be a great fruit to eat to beat the unbearable heat and cool down our system. 

So friends this was all about Black Plum. Remember that food is not just about nutrition, it is about balance and harmony. In the context of Jamun, it is a wonderful example of how modern science and Ayurvedic wisdom can intersect to enhance our understanding of nutrition and health. 

With that said, this is Healthy Hamesha X, Dr. Saleem signing off. Don't forget to Share


In conclusion, black plum, also known as Indian Blackberry or Jamun, is a fruit that has many health benefits. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and potassium. Black plum has anti-diabetic properties, helps with digestion, and can improve skin health.


What are the health benefits of black plum?

Black plum, also known as Indian Blackberry or Jamun, has several health benefits. It is a good source of vitamins, especially Vitamin C and Vitamin A, and minerals like potassium. It has anti-diabetic properties, aids in digestion, and can improve skin health.

How does black plum help with diabetes?

Black plum contains two bioactive chemicals called jambon and jambon, which help regulate blood sugar levels. These compounds slow down the release of sugar into the blood and stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin, making it beneficial for people with diabetes.

Is black plum good for digestion?

Yes, black plum is good for digestion. It has astringent properties, high fiber content, and digestive enzymes that aid in the digestion of food. It can also help with issues like gas, acidity, and constipation.

Can black plum improve skin health?

Yes, black plum can improve skin health. It is rich in vitamin C, which stimulates collagen production and can result in smoother and healthier-looking skin. It can also be beneficial for conditions like acne, blemishes, melasma, dry skin, and premature aging.

How much black plum should I eat in a day?

It is recommended to consume black plum in moderation. Eating more than 250 grams of black plum in a day may lead to problems like bloating, gas, and joint pains. It's important to enjoy it in a balanced amount.

Are there any precautions to consider when consuming black plum?

Yes, there are some precautions to keep in mind. If you have a cold, flu, sinusitis, or have recently had surgery, it is better to avoid consuming black plum. Additionally, it is advised not to drink water or milk immediately before or after eating black plum to prevent digestive disorders.

What is the "Taseer" of black plum?

"Taseer" is a term that describes the effect of a food item. In the case of black plum, its Taseer is "Sheetal," which means it has a cooling effect. This cooling effect helps balance the heat in our bodies, making it a great fruit to consume during hot summer days.


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