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The Right Way to Consume Fruits | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Namaskar. A plate of fruit a day keeps diseases away. Fruits are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers which are very much required in our body every day. Hence, you must consume fruits every day and also know the right way of eating fruits.

I see people making mistakes in consuming fruits. They eat in a very wrong way and that's why they don't get complete benefit out of fruits. They should get full benefits out of fruits. They are spending so much money.

They are eating also. But if it is the wrong way of eating then the benefit is lost. So here are a few things that you should consider while eating fruits. 

Do Not Peel Off Skin Of The Fruit

Firstly, do not peel off the skin of the fruit. For example, apple if you peel the skin of the fruit you are depriving yourself of 50% of nutrients, and apple with its peel has 50% more nutrients. 

Peels are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential plant compounds. So do not peel off the skin. It can prevent cancer, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's. There are certain foods you may need to peel out like bananas, papaya, oranges, sweet lines. 

Fine. But for those which you can use with peel, you should use apples, chikus, perus, and pears. All these are wonderful things you can eat with peel. Understand, since we have to eat fruit with the peel intact, we should see that fruits are washed really well. 

Lots of infections and contamination is there on fruit. Nowadays, they are transported, they are sprayed with pesticides. So they need to be washed thoroughly well. So wash them thoroughly well in washing. 

Other alternatives could be to take warm water, put a little saline salt in that, and dip fruits sometimes like grapes, like strawberries, all these small, small fruits. You can't wash them individually. 

They should be dipped in warm water for some time, wash them with clean water, and then eat them up. 

Never Eat Fruits Along With Your Meals

Second point, never eat fruits along with your meals. Fruits are rich in fiber which can slow down the processing of your food. 

Hence, you might even feel full throughout the day. So never eat fruits with meals because it can hamper your digestion. So what you should do? Eat fruits two hours before your meal or two hours after your meal to avoid any digestive issues. 

Minimize The Consumption Of Fruit In A Juice Form

Third point, minimize the consumption of fruit in a juice form. Fruits should be chewed well, they should be mixed with saliva and then chew it so well that you can actually drink it. But fruit juices go directly into your stomach and then they are becoming acidic in nature, which would be wrong. 

In juice again, the fibers are removed so you don't get the complete benefit of fruits. When you eat fruit in a juice form, the absorption of sugar goes very rapidly. Hence, your blood sugar level rises very quickly. 

So as far as possible, consuming fruit juices should be avoided. As far as possible, cut fruits into pieces chew them completely, and make them into liquid to drink. So take a solid fruit and not fruit in a liquid form. 

Avoid Refrigerated Fruits

Fourth point, avoid refrigerated fruits. Fruits put in a refrigerator and then taken out and eaten would be harmful. Foods like avocados, apples, bananas, berries, and citrus fruits should be kept outside and not in the refrigerator. 

Refrigerating these fruits will result in the loss of flavor as well as texture. It can even reduce its nutritional value. Understand one thing very clearly when you eat something cold, it is going to definitely affect your digestive system. 

It will affect the entire lining of the throat to the stomach and that may even cause asthma and cold cough and such problems. Try and eating food from the refrigerator directly should be totally avoided. So understand to consume fruit in its fresh form and avoid putting it in the refrigerator. 

In case you have to remove it for half an hour to one hour before you eat the food. Food has to come to a normal temperature then only eat don't eat otherwise. Another thing people ask me very often is

What Is The Right Time For Consuming Fruits?

Well, there is nothing like the right time as far as fruit is concerned you can eat fruits throughout the day anytime but the ideal would be to eat fruits from morning till evening at 4 o 'clock time and that would be much better because fruits can make you feel quite full and so it would always prevent overeating. 


So definitely consume fruit between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and snacks that would really help you even in your weight management. Well, make sure that you remember all these points well when you are consuming your fruit take the full benefit of your fruit and eat them nicely enjoy them enjoy the natural sweetness. 

Nature has given you the best sweet products to consume and enjoy so we all should enjoy them nicely be healthy stay fit and enjoy life as well. Namaskar. 


Can I peel the skin off fruits?

It is best to avoid peeling the skin off fruits, as the skin contains a lot of nutrients. However, there are some fruits like bananas and oranges that need to be peeled before eating.

Should I wash fruits before eating them?

Yes, it is important to wash fruits thoroughly before eating them. Fruits can have germs and pesticides on them, so washing them well helps remove any contaminants.

Can I eat fruits with my meals?

It is not recommended to eat fruits with your meals. Fruits are rich in fiber, which can slow down digestion and make you feel full for a long time. It is better to eat fruits two hours before or after your meals to avoid any digestion problems.

Is it okay to drink fruit juice?

It is best to minimize the consumption of fruit juice. When you eat fruits, you chew them well and mix them with saliva, which is important for digestion. Fruit juice, on the other hand, goes straight to your stomach and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. It is better to eat fruits in their solid form rather than as juice.

Can I refrigerate fruits?

It is best to avoid refrigerating certain fruits like avocados, apples, bananas, berries, and citrus fruits. Refrigeration can affect their flavor, texture, and nutritional value. It is recommended to eat fruits fresh and not refrigerated.

Is there a specific time to eat fruits?

There is no specific time to eat fruits. You can have them anytime during the day. However, it is good to have them between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and snacks to help you feel full and prevent overeating.


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