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7 magical foods to lose weight | Eat these things to lose weight scientifically. #FATLOSS

Friends, according to research, if you want to lose weight, then 70% of the role played in this is your diet and 30% is only the role of exercise or other things. So you can imagine how important the diet of losing weight can be in this process. 

7 Magical Foods To Lose Weight

So in today's blog, I am going to tell you about 7 such magical foods, which can help you to lose weight and reduce your fat. So let's start this interesting blog without any delay and let's know about all these foods in detail. 

If you are thinking that these 7 foods that I am going to tell you today will only help you lose weight, then you are wrong. Because all these things are very good for your overall health. So today, friends, we will talk about many things from drinking hot water to eating moong dal. 

And the last 7 items in the blog that I will tell you, which is very special, which will help you a lot in losing weight. So read the article till the end.

Warm Water

So let's start with the first item, which is warm water, hot water. Yes friends, hot water. It may seem very simple and common to you to listen to it, but trust me, the benefits of drinking hot water are great. 

By drinking hot water, the digestive system works smoothly. And when your digestive system is good, then your metabolism will also improve. And your metabolism is directly connected to burning calories and reducing weight. 

One research of 2016 tells that the metabolic rate of drinking warm water improves by 30%. That means you sit and burn more calories. If you want to lose weight, then you should drink hot water every time. 

But if you can't do this every time, you don't like it or you feel it is difficult, then after waking up in the morning, the first thing you have to drink is one glass of hot water. Some people, when they drink hot water in the morning, they mix lemon or some honey. 

So if you want, you can mix it in it. You will get good results by doing this. And you will get the benefit of hot water. 

Ginger Water

The second thing is ginger water, ginger water. Friends, when you keep the use of plain warm water to lose weight, then how can ginger be left behind? 

Yes, you can use ginger water for weight loss. Ginger and lime compounds in ginger water increase our metabolic rate, boost it, and also improve digestion, and reduce weight, reduce flatulence, which reduces the weight after eating. 

Ginger water can be used for 5 minutes very easily. For this, you just have to take one glass of water add 1 teaspoon of ginger and boil it well. And then you have to drink it 2 times a day, slightly warm. 

After 10 minutes of eating, it is best to drink it. Trust me guys, if you drink only 2 times of ginger water, then this can be a game changer in your weight loss journey. The excess fat in your body will make it melt, remove it from the body, improve your digestion and your food will be easily digested. 

You will feel light and light.

Amla Juice.

Let's come back to our main topic and talk about our next item Amla Juice is a rich source of Vitamin C. 

We all know this, but if Vitamin C increases immunity, then what is the connection between weight and Vitamin C? Vitamin C increases immunity. It is also surprising that fat cells in the body break down. 

And the fact that our metabolism is reduced due to acid and dendritic lifestyle also kicks in. Research in 2012 also shows that if you consume Vitamin C regularly, it can significantly reduce body fat. 

When you consume Amla Juice, Vitamin C increases, and your weight loss increases. Drink Amla Juice in the morning or in the evening or in the late afternoon. It is better to make Amla Juice at home. If you find fresh Amla juice, then buy it. 

Take a medium-sized Amla Juice and cut it into small pieces. Add a glass of water and blend it. Your Amla Juice is ready. It is very easy to make. Make it yourself and drink it fresh. It will be best for you. 

Barley water

Barley water, which is a good thing to lose weight, you can try it. The thing that our ancestors used to use a lot and according to traditional wisdom, it is considered as a superfood. But what to take from weight loss? 

Let's understand this. Barley water has a lot of fiber which improves digestion. It cleanses the stomach and you don't feel hungry for a long time. It reduces unnecessary snacking and helps in losing weight. 

To make Amla Juice, you need 100 grams of Amla Juice. First, wash it with water. After washing, take 4 glasses of water and add it to the water. Cover it with a lid for 4 hours. After 4 hours, the juice will become fluffy. 

When it becomes fluffy, add the whole juice and water in a bowl. And cook it well. When the water starts to thicken, take it off the water and cool it. You can store the water in the fridge. You can drink it again and again between the meals. 

You get great results. Your stomach is full. You eat less food. The calorie intake is less. And if you want, you can drink it one or two times a day. You can use it as you like. 

Lóki juice

You can also drink Lóki juice to lose weight. Lóki juice is a low-calorie juice and has a lot of fiber content. That's why it's very popular to lose weight. To make Lóki juice, you need to take one Lóki. It will be better if you take Desi. You can take whatever you get. 

After taking Lóki, you can peel it and cut it into pieces. And blend it well with a blender. Your Lóki juice is ready. When you blend Lóki, you don't need to add water. Because the content of Lóki is mostly about water. 

So when you blend it, it will automatically turn into juice. You can drink this juice like this and you can even taste it. Many people add lemon, black salt or a lot of other spices. So you can add these things. It enhances the taste. 

Móng Dal

Next is the Móng Dal. We know Móng Dal well and eat it. But do you know that there are some hidden qualities in it that make the journey of weight loss smoother? Móng Dal contains protein. 

Protein-rich foods are used to lose weight. One, it doesn't let you get fat for a long time. And the other, it helps in muscle-spill. It helps in losing weight. That's why our muscles burn more calories. 

And it reduces fat. You can make Móng Dal with a child. You can make Dal with it. You can make soup with it. Or you can eat it as a snack by sprouting it. There are many ways to use Móng Dal. To lose weight, you should eat Móng Dal in one form or another so that you can quickly lose weight. And you like the taste of Móng Dal. So it's a very easy thing to use to lose weight. 

Green Tea

The last item on our list is green tea. Green tea is a very important thing to lose weight. And in fact, all the home remedies I have told you are most effective for weight loss. 

So that's green tea. Hearing the name of green tea, it seems that something is going to be healthy. And also because green tea is a healthy thing. Green tea is a detox to the body. And it burns the excess fat in the body. 

If you want to take green tea for weight loss then it is highly recommended to drink 2 -3 cups of green tea daily. But yes, you should never add sugar to green tea. If you want to lose weight, you should not add sweeteners. 


Friends, these are the 7 things that help you lose weight. But before ending the blog, I want to tell you that these things, or for that matter, nothing else are magical to losing weight. So following a healthy diet, regular exercise, and getting proper sleep is very important. 

And if you take proper sleep, then it shows you something. I hope you liked this article today. And you must have learned something new from it. If you share the blog. 

And share this blog with everyone so that more people can lose weight and live healthy life. So with this, I am Healthy Hamesha X  (Dr. Saleem). I take your leave with this promise that I will meet you again in a new and good blog. 

Till then take good care of yourself. Keep smiling and learning something new every day so that you can stay healthy. 


What are the 7 magical foods to lose weight?

The 7 magical foods to lose weight are warm water, ginger water, amla juice, barley water, lóki juice, mung dal, and green tea.

How does warm water help in weight loss?

Drinking warm water improves digestion and boosts metabolism, leading to burning more calories and aiding in weight loss.

How does ginger water help in weight loss?

Ginger water increases metabolic rate, improves digestion, reduces flatulence, and helps in weight loss.

How does amla juice help in weight loss?

Amla juice, rich in Vitamin C, helps in breaking down fat cells, boosting metabolism, and reducing body fat.

How does barley water help in weight loss?

Barley water is high in fiber, which improves digestion, cleanses the stomach, and reduces hunger, aiding in weight loss.

How does lóki juice help in weight loss?

Lóki juice is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a popular choice for weight loss.

How does mung dal help in weight loss?

Mung dal is rich in protein, which keeps you full for longer and helps in muscle building, leading to weight loss.

How does green tea help in weight loss?

Green tea acts as a detox for the body and helps in burning excess fat, making it beneficial for weight loss.

Are these foods magical for weight loss?

While these foods have weight loss benefits, it is important to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get proper sleep for effective weight loss.

Can drinking warm water alone help in losing weight?

Drinking warm water can aid in weight loss by improving digestion and boosting metabolism. However, it is important to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly for effective weight loss.

How often should I drink ginger water for weight loss?

It is recommended to drink ginger water twice a day, preferably 10 minutes after meals, to aid in weight loss.

Can consuming amla juice alone help in reducing body fat?

Amla juice, rich in Vitamin C, can help in reducing body fat when consumed regularly. However, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise for overall weight loss.

How does barley water reduce unnecessary snacking?

Barley water, high in fiber, improves digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer, reducing the urge for unnecessary snacking.

Can drinking lóki juice alone lead to weight loss?

Lóki juice, being low in calories and high in fiber, can aid in weight loss. However, it is important to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly for effective weight loss.

How can mung dal be incorporated into a weight loss diet?

Mung dal can be consumed in various forms such as dal, soup, or sprouted as a snack to aid in weight loss. It is a protein-rich food that helps in keeping you full and promotes muscle building.

How many cups of green tea should I drink daily for weight loss?

It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily for weight loss. Avoid adding sugar or sweeteners to maximize its benefits.

Are these foods a magical solution for weight loss?

While these foods have weight loss benefits, they are not a magical solution. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep, for sustainable weight loss.


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