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Lose Your Belly Fat: 10-Minute Yoga for a Flat Stomach | Trim Your Tummy | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. Today we are going to see a very practical 10-minute Yoga Asana session. This sequence is specially designed to help you get rid of unnecessary fat around your stomach. Whether you are a beginner or a regular practitioner, these asanas will help you keep your tummy toned in the comfort of your home.

Talasana 2

Our first pose is Talasana 2. Let's see. Stand. It's a standing posture. Straight both legs parallel to each other one foot apart. Hands on the side. Now while inhaling fully raise your both arms up from the front above the head. 

Go totally on your toe. The whole body is getting stretched. You can see now while exhaling rotate your arms from back. Rotate it and bring it down your hands, and toes, breathe all together. This is a beautiful Euro muscular coordination posture where you can see how the circulation is on the whole body right from the toe up to the head and arms. 

Everything is in perfect circulation. Very good posture to improve your vital capacity of lungs. Good oxygenation. All the muscles of the lungs are exercised here. Very good posture in any case for the stomach and pelvic region. 

Strong posture for calf muscles, thighs, and everything. So it is a complete asana by itself. A complete posture where the whole body is exercised. Immunity goes high. Since the oxygen is better, your immunity is really good. Good nutrition to every part of your body.


 Now the next would be Utkatasana. Here the distance could be the same. One foot parallel to each other. Here raise your both arms up straight at shoulder level and then while exhaling squat down. 

When you are raising your arms up, you are going on your toe also. Now here back is straight and my stomach is definitely getting exercised. So try and strain this position steadily for some time. Then while inhaling, get up and raise your body up back straight. 

Very good exercise for to stomach and while exhaling bring your both arms and legs everything down. So this is Utkatasana. The whole focus is on the abdomen and basically on the stomach. Good circulation, good tolling of core muscles, and good neuromuscular coordination to see that the mind learns to focus on one thing for a long time. 

It improves concentration. It improves memory. Everybody should be doing this.


Now we will do Chakrasana. Here keep both legs 2 and a half to 3 feet away from each other parallel to each other. Now here raise your arms from front up above your head and bend back as much as you can from the waist upwards and then immediately come forward bend forward bend forward hands head everything together rotate your arms at the shoulder hold them and bring them as closer to your head as possible. 

Head goes inwards and now separate your both arms and then rotate them from behind bring it up to the head level head hands body together and bring the arms from the side. To understand this is a posture where all the things of yoga are involved where you are giving exercise to the whole body you are bending forward to a good head-low posture where you are rotating your arms in a way that your shoulder muscles your neck muscles are strengthened very strong exercise for the core muscles your stomach because bending forward bending backward it really helps to tone up the core muscles excess fat from the stomach would go and this exercise should be done twice or thrice together now we will sit in a meditative pose for the 


next asan and that is parvat asan. So here in Parvatasana sit either in Sukhasana or in Padmasana. Now in Padmasana, both arms first relax on the side while inhaling raise your both arms from the side upwards. Join them together in a namaste position. 

Stretch your whole body up. You will notice again the whole spine is stretched upward. Stomach muscles are pulled nicely. Good tolling on the abdomen region and basically the navel area and stomach area. 

Staying in that position for 6 seconds come back rotating your arms from the side back to the original position. Parvatasana is a very simple posture but has lots of benefits. You can do this sitting on the chair also but do it 2 -3 times a day which will really help tolling of your abdomen waste. 

In parvatasana the fat at the stomach region is definitely removed excess of fat around your waist also is taken care of. So now we go to the


 next posture and that is Garudasana. So here you have to stand again. 

In Garudasana stand straight both arms raised from the side to feel the balance and then lift your one leg up and twist it around the other leg and the arm along with it this posture is where your arms as well as legs are totally twisted at each other and gives your upward pull. 

Stay steady for some time and leave it. It needs really a good balance. The mind has to be totally focused and the body also has to be quite flexible enough to do this posture. Usually, people can't do it. They take the support of something and just practice with legs and then separately just practice with arms and then together or lie down and try to roll their legs and hands and try to stay there. 

Naakasan or Naavasan.

Our next posture is Naakasan or Naavasan. Here you have to lie down. So sit and lie down. Go from the side take the support and lie down softly. No hurry no jerk. Now here you have to take the shape of a Naav or Naaka. 

So slowly slowly by practice, you will be able to do this but it has lots of benefits as you can see. The whole body has good circulation very strong exercise for the stomach and thighs and waist. Heavy hips also are taken care of here they would be reduced and so on. 

So what you have to do is lift your head as well as legs simultaneously in the same position. Stay there and give it the shape of a boat. Yes, come back. Very nicely. Verify the whole core muscle is tightly used here. 

There is no scope for a fat in that region. It's a very strong exercise and reduces stomach and waist. This is the posture that everybody should be doing as much as they can. So here try again do it again. 

Then breathe in while breathing out lift your head and legs together. Stay in that position for some time and come back slowly. You can see the body also sometimes is not stable it shakes. So you can lift a little less from both sides. 

Try again lift your head little and legs little that's all. Staying in this position this also is a boat pose. But you will definitely get a good amount of exercise come back.


So after Dhaukasana, the next pose is Bhujangasana.  Here you have to lie down on your abdomen. So you are turning. Both arms on the side, heels together, toes together, forehead touching the ground and now lift your head up, only head up, then neck, then shoulder and stomach only up to the navel. 

Stay in this position, and look up, you can look at the tip of your nose here, focus, and while breathing out come back to normal position. Here your abdomen is strongly toned up, digestion has to improve, flatulence, and acidity are taken care of, and the whole body that's why is benefits

So Bhujang, Kobra poll known for its strength and so here you definitely get very good energy level, energy uplifts and mood uplifts and that's the posture which could be done in this position.

Makarasana or Crocodile pose

Now Makarasana or Crocodile pose, when a crocodile is on the ground, it just lies down flat and forgets everything around and this is what we have to do, take up this posture, just relax whole body should be flat on the ground. 

In this posture, the mind should be totally relaxed, bring Varagya in mind, total detachment from the world and just give your body weight to the ground. This is a beautiful posture to handle weakness in the stomach, weak digestion, gases, flatulence, acidity, migraine, headaches, and all those problems related to digestion and circulation. 

This is the posture in which a person should lie down before eating food and a person's digestion definitely would improve and gases would not bother. So relax in this posture and it should be done after all the ascents are finished then you can relax so that you are back to your normal breathing rhythm. 


So now let's get up again, slowly go to the side, take the support of your hand, and slowly get up and sit in the Sukhasana position. So these are all the ascents that we have given you in sequence, helping you to develop strength, stamina, and good toned-up core muscles.

You guys not just ascents, it really helps you to bring better, more energy level, it helps you to remain steady, focused in life to do all the other works properly. So try, to do this and benefit from it. Namaskar.


In conclusion, practicing these 10-minute Yoga Asanas can be a great way to tone your stomach and get rid of unnecessary fat. These asanas target the core muscles, improve circulation, and enhance overall strength and flexibility. Regular practice of these asanas can also improve digestion, reduce flatulence and acidity, and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, incorporating these asanas into your daily routine can help you achieve a toned and healthy stomach. So, take out just 10 minutes of your day and give these asanas a try for a healthier and fitter you.


Can these Yoga Asanas really help in reducing stomach fat?

Yes, these Yoga Asanas are specifically designed to target the stomach area and help in reducing excess fat. Regular practice of these asanas, along with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, can contribute to toning the stomach and achieving a flatter abdomen.

How often should I practice these Yoga Asanas?

It is recommended to practice these Yoga Asanas at least 3-4 times a week for best results. Consistency is key, so try to incorporate them into your regular exercise routine.

Can beginners practice these Yoga Asanas?
Can I do these Yoga Asanas at home?

Absolutely! These Yoga Asanas can be easily practiced at home. All you need is a quiet and comfortable space where you can lay down a yoga mat or a soft surface. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and maintain proper form while performing the asanas.

Are there any precautions I should take while practicing these Yoga Asanas?

It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified yoga instructor before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. Additionally, listen to your body and modify or skip any poses that feel uncomfortable or painful. Remember to breathe deeply and stay hydrated throughout your practice.

Can these Yoga Asanas help with weight loss?

While these Yoga Asanas can contribute to weight loss by increasing metabolism and toning muscles, it is important to note that weight loss is a holistic process that involves a combination of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle. These asanas can be a part of your weight loss journey, but they should be complemented with other healthy habits.


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