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Yoga & Diet: Get Glowing Skin and Hair | Yoga & Diet for Radiant Skin & Shiny Hair | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. Today, let's talk about your natural radiance. I believe that every person is born beautiful and along with the powerful combination of yoga and a nourishing diet, one can achieve good health which will reflect in the glow of your skin and shine your hair. 

Let's start by exploring three foods that can work wonders for your skin and hair. It's not just about external care. What you put inside your body matters too. 


First, we have avocados packed with healthy, mono-saturated fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants. 

Avocado acts as a shield for your skin cells against free radicals. The vitamin E defends your skin health and the nourishing fats hydrate your skin and scalp keeping them supple and moisturized. Next, we have sweet potatoes. 
Yoga & Diet: Get Glowing Skin and Hair

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato has beta carotene which regulates cell production and turnover keeping your skin fresh and glowing. It also ensures that your scalp stays hydrated. 


The third on the list is yogurt. How can we forget about it? It has protein and B5, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 enhances hair and skin texture. It reduces breakage and promotes overall good health. 

After these three foods, let's move on to the yoga mat and explore some asanas for good skin and hair. 


First, dhanurvakrasana, also known as boh pose. This is a very dynamic asana. The graceful arching of your body in this pose supercharges blood circulation to your skin and scalp. This influx of oxygen and nutrients promotes healthy skin cells and hair follicles, giving you that radiant look. 


Now we talk about Paschimottanasana. This pose takes skin and hair health to the next level. By enhancing blood circulation to your digestive organs and scalp, it's like giving your skin and hair follicles a boost of nourishment. 


Another pose is fish pose which is very soothing. It's called Matsyasan. Matsyasan stimulates your thyroid and parathyroid glands and it also brings good amount of relaxation. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are little warriors that are responsible for maintaining your skin's texture and promoting hair growth. 


Let's turn our focus to Pranayama now. First, among the group of pranayama is Ujjayi. By gently constricting your glottis and then inhaling and exhaling really helps take a complete breath, you use the entire lungs when you breathe like this. 

And so it really improves your lung capacity and oxygen intake. This increased oxygen supply supports your skin's cellular metabolism, aiding in repair and regeneration and those well-oxygenated blood vessels promote your hair growth too. 

Abdominal Breathing

Lastly, we have abdominal breathing. This deep diaphragmatic breathing technique helps in efficient oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange in the lungs. Your skin cells will definitely get improved subtly. Contributing to collagen production, skin cell renewal, and wound healing. 


Personally, I feel that a healthy mind is very, very important for a person to look healthy and of course to have radiant skin health and hair health. Stress can impact your skin and hair health. To overcome stress, firstly, accept all the situations as they are. 

Accept all the people around you as they are. Don't try to change them. Learn yogic techniques to maintain your calmness and balance. You may also practice Karma Yoga or selfless service to feel happy and contented. 

A strong belief in a higher power definitely reduces stress along with fear and negativity. A few minutes of daily meditation or quiet reflection can work wonders in maintaining mental and emotional balance. 

It is possible to achieve healthy skin and healthy hair naturally with the help of yoga and a balanced diet. Remember that it is not just about external treatment but about nurturing your body, mind, and soul. 

Follow these simple, simple practices and watch yourself glowing. Radiance would be natural and hair also would grow very well. So take charge of yourself. Namaskar. 


What are some foods that are good for my skin and hair?

Avocado, sweet potatoes, and yogurt are three foods that can work wonders for your skin and hair. Avocado contains healthy fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants that protect your skin cells and keep your skin and scalp hydrated. Sweet potatoes have beta carotene, which keeps your skin fresh and glowing and ensures your scalp stays hydrated. Yogurt contains protein and vitamin B5, which enhance hair and skin texture, reduce breakage, and promote overall good health.

How can yoga help improve my skin and hair?

Yoga poses can improve blood circulation to your skin and scalp, providing more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells and hair follicles. Poses like Dhanurvakrasana (bow pose), Paschimottanasana, and Matsyasan (fish pose) stimulate glands responsible for maintaining skin texture and promoting hair growth. Additionally, pranayama, or breathing exercises, like Ujjayi and abdominal breathing, increase lung capacity and oxygen intake, supporting skin's cellular metabolism, repair, and regeneration, as well as promoting hair growth.

How does a healthy mind affect my skin and hair?

Stress can impact your skin and hair health. Having a healthy mind is important for looking healthy and having radiant skin and hair. Accepting situations and people as they are, practicing yoga techniques for calmness, and believing in a higher power can help reduce stress. Taking a few minutes each day for meditation or quiet reflection can also help maintain mental and emotional balance, which in turn can positively affect your skin and hair health.

Can I achieve healthy skin and hair naturally?

Yes, it is possible to achieve healthy skin and hair naturally with the help of yoga and a balanced diet. It's not just about external treatments, but also about nurturing your body, mind, and soul. By following a nourishing diet and practicing yoga poses and breathing exercises, you can improve blood circulation, provide essential nutrients, and reduce stress, leading to healthy skin and hair. Remember to take care of yourself holistically for the best results.


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