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How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama: Step-by-Step Tutorial & Benefits | Detox Your Body | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. Kapalbhati  is a popular yogic rya or cleansing practice. So today I am going to talk about this technique in detail. We will see how to do it, its importance, and its benefits. Kapal means the entire face, especially your forehead.  Kapalbhati Pranayama Bhati, not Bharati. Bhati means shining. Gapal Bhati is a natural method that not only gives you a radiant face but also purifies and energizes your body. I would advise you to do this rya before you meditate or before you study because it clears the mind and makes it attentive.  Let us see how to do this step by step. Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana. Make sure your spine is erect and shoulders are relaxed. Place your hands on your knees, palm facing upwards. Take a few normal breaths with awareness to bring attention to your natural breath rhythm.  Inhale and exhale sharply, forcefully, and quickly. As you do so keep your facial muscles relaxed. You will find that you are using the muscles of your throat. Avoid fla

7 magical foods to lose weight | Eat these things to lose weight scientifically. #FATLOSS

Friends, according to research, if you want to lose weight, then 70% of the role played in this is your diet and 30% is only the role of exercise or other things. So you can imagine how important the diet of losing weight can be in this process.  7 Magical Foods To Lose Weight So in today's blog, I am going to tell you about 7 such magical foods, which can help you to lose weight and reduce your fat. So let's start this interesting blog without any delay and let's know about all these foods in detail.  If you are thinking that these 7 foods that I am going to tell you today will only help you lose weight, then you are wrong. Because all these things are very good for your overall health. So today, friends, we will talk about many things from drinking hot water to eating moong dal.  And the last 7 items in the blog that I will tell you, which is very special, which will help you a lot in losing weight. So read the article till the end. Warm Water So let's start with the

Yoga & Diet: Get Glowing Skin and Hair | Yoga & Diet for Radiant Skin & Shiny Hair | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. Today, let's talk about your natural radiance. I believe that every person is born beautiful and along with the powerful combination of yoga and a nourishing diet, one can achieve good health which will reflect in the glow of your skin and shine your hair.  Let's start by exploring three foods that can work wonders for your skin and hair. It's not just about external care. What you put inside your body matters too.  Avocado First, we have avocados packed with healthy, mono-saturated fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants.  Avocado acts as a shield for your skin cells against free radicals. The vitamin E defends your skin health and the nourishing fats hydrate your skin and scalp keeping them supple and moisturized. Next, we have sweet potatoes.  Yoga & Diet: Get Glowing Skin and Hair Sweet Potato Sweet potato has beta carotene which regulates cell production and turnover keeping your skin fresh and glowing. It also ensures that your scalp stays hydrated.  Yogurt Th

Back Pain & Vitamin D Deficiency Connection | How to increase Vitamin D & Vitamin B12 | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. If you or if you know someone who is struggling with back pain, it might come as a surprise to you that a vitamin deficiency could be causing the back pain. So today, let us see how vitamin D deficiency can lead to back pain.  Back Pain & Vitamin D Deficiency Connection Vitamin D Deficiency We will also explore some ways to overcome this vitamin D deficiency. Let's start by understanding the scientific reason behind the connection between vitamin D deficiencies and back pain. Vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining healthy bones and muscles.  When you are deficient in vitamin D, your body's ability to absorb calcium decreases, leading to weaker bones and muscles. This weakness can show up as back pain and muscle spasm. This condition can make your daily activities quite challenging.  Vitamin D deficiency cannot only cause but also worsens the back pain. So if you are having a regular back pain, a lack of vitamin D could be making it worse. Now let'

10 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

The blog is about ways to keep your kidneys healthy. Kidneys are important organs in your body that help clean out toxins and waste products. They are like your body's natural filtration system. To keep your kidneys healthy, there are 10 things you can do. Stay hydrated:  Drink enough water every day to help your kidneys work well. Water helps flush out toxins from your body. The amount of water you need depends on your age, activity level, and overall health. Eat a balanced diet:  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables because they have vitamins and minerals that are good for your kidneys. Avoid eating too much salt and processed foods, as they can harm your kidneys. Monitor your blood pressure:  High blood pressure can damage your kidneys, so it's important to check it regularly. If your blood pressure is high, your doctor can give you advice on how to manage it. Exercise regularly:  Being active for at least 30 minutes every day can help control your blood pressure and keep your

Lose Your Belly Fat: 10-Minute Yoga for a Flat Stomach | Trim Your Tummy | Dr. Hansaji

Namaskar. Today we are going to see a very practical 10-minute Yoga Asana session. This sequence is specially designed to help you get rid of unnecessary fat around your stomach. Whether you are a beginner or a regular practitioner, these asanas will help you keep your tummy toned in the comfort of your home. Talasana 2 Our first pose is Talasana 2. Let's see. Stand. It's a standing posture. Straight both legs parallel to each other one foot apart. Hands on the side. Now while inhaling fully raise your both arms up from the front above the head.  Go totally on your toe. The whole body is getting stretched. You can see now while exhaling rotate your arms from back. Rotate it and bring it down your hands, and toes, breathe all together. This is a beautiful Euro muscular coordination posture where you can see how the circulation is on the whole body right from the toe up to the head and arms.  Everything is in perfect circulation. Very good posture to improve your vital capacity o

CBS Miami News: United Way Miami and Tovla Jr. Promote Healthy Cooking for Children

Sure! In this blog, it talks about how even young kids can help out in the kitchen and learn about healthy food choices. The United Way of Miami organized an event where three and four-year-olds got to participate in cooking activities.  They were given special cooking kits with safe utensils and a cookbook. They learned how to cut fruits and vegetables using special knives made for kids. Although we don't know if they will become famous chefs in the future, they had a great time and enjoyed the food they made.  It's important for kids to learn about cooking and healthy eating from a young age, and events like this help them do that. FAQ What is the News about? The News is about how young kids can help in the kitchen and learn about healthy food choices. What did the United Way of Miami organize? The United Way of Miami organized an event where three and four-year-olds got to participate in cooking activities. What did the kids receive for the

Drinking Milk at Night is Good or Bad for Health? Reduce Stress Before Bed with 1 Cup of Milk

Drinking Milk at Night is Good or Bad for Health? hello! So let's talk about drinking milk at night. Actually, this is an old tradition which is followed by many people. But you may be wondering whether this is a good idea or not. Well, there are some reasons why drinking milk before sleeping can be beneficial. Drinking Milk at Night is Good or Bad for Health? Ojas First of all, according to Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system of medicine), drinking milk at night can increase something called “Ojas” in your body. Ojas is like a special substance that gives you strength, boosts your immune system, and makes you feel happy and content. Nutrients Now, from a scientific point of view, milk is rich in a lot of nutrients that are important for the growth and development of your body. One of these nutrients is an amino acid called tryptophan. This amino acid helps your body produce two important hormones: serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a hormone that relaxes your mind and improves y